Agencies begin entering their next fiscal year budget request using LBO's Online Budget Request System (OBRS).
Five-year Strategic Plan PDFs and printed copies are due to LBO on July 15.
Agency budget requests must be submitted to LBO using OBRS on or before August 1. When submitted budget requests are reviewed and approved by the
LBO budget analyst, "Final" (non-draft) printed copies of MBR forms must be sent to LBO and Department of Finance and Administration (DFA).
Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) meets to hear agency budget requests and State revenue estimates.
The JLBC meets to consider the Legislative Budget Recommendation (LBR) and to adopt the latest State revenue projections.
The JLBC meets to adopt the Legislative Budget Recommendation (LBR). The Budget Recommendation Memorandum
and Legislative Budget Book are published.
January - March/April
Legislative Session. Appropriations bills are passed near the end of the Session.
LBO Session Summary and JLBC Appropriations Bulletin are published.